Yoga is my
ideal way of exercising.
It is
generally known that there are three types of exercise.
The first
kind, muscle work out, enhances your strength in muscles. The second, cardio
work out, paces your heart beat and prevents the body from various kinds of
diseases. Lastly, flexibility workout, as in yoga, is used to flex our body
muscles to tone down the stressful areas around our body. Yoga may seem the
easiest to do, but it is actually the most effective exercise of the three. Yoga
comes in many ways ranging from different cultures. It mainly consists of
stretching and twisting the body to pull and relax the body. It may sand painful
and be extremely painful for beginners, but you can see a drastic effect and
improvement to your body after doing yoga. What was thought to be stiff, is now
relaxed and flexible. Yoga is also not only about flexibility but also a good
work out for the muscles as well , After all, all exercise is hard work. Yoga
classes can be found in studios where they have proffessionals as mentors, An
appropriate set of clothing is also advisable. Ones that are stretchy and fit
are ideal for yoga.
everyone likes yoga, because it is considered to be fixing and quite boring, but
Yoga has a spiritual advantage when it comes to being calm and doing meditation.
Apart from doing extreme poses that I have never imagined myself doing, I get in
touch with myself, spiritually, I became calm and relaxed, and I get transported
into a land of my own thoughts and imagination, It is the only time where I feel
I can explore my thoughts and discover who I am, Living in a developed world,
where competition and stress affect my body, I learn to make peace with myself
and take different approaches when interacting with other people. Yoga
transforms me into a better person physically and mentally. What can be better
than that?
英文佳作/Being one with yourself through Yoga. - 指考情報站 - 升大學 - udn校園博覽會
By udn.com
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